BusyToDo does not sync with iCloud. If you enter your iCloud credentials at first startup it will pull in your reminders accurately. After that if you mark an action complete in BusyToDo it will be marked complete in iCloud. Repeat settings from Reminders are accurately pulled into BusyToDo.
Beyond that there is no syncing going on. If you create a new task in BusyToDo it will create a corresponding new Reminder in iCloud with a newly visible Due Date/time of midnight on the date picked for the task. If you mark an item complete in iCloud, it will frequently screw up how that task appears in BusyCal.
When I contacted their responsive customer support department about these issues I was told:
"Here are the two truisms about BusyCal and ToDos:
1) It considers them all-day events. To Do times are just alarm times to BusyCal
2) BusyCal sets the start and due dates to the same value and does not provide a UI for making them different. However, if another app sets different start and due dates, it can cause the To Dos to show up in BusyCals calendar on the start date rather than the due date.
Both of these dont seem to fit into how you want to manage your To Dos? We wonder if you really want to use the iCloud web site to manage to dos (we dont have many customers doing this), or Reminders on both the Mac and your iOS device that you might not want to manage them in BusyCal?"
I want true syncing because I work in an environment in which I can’t use my iOS devices, nor a Mac. I do have access to the internet and thus iCloud.com.
What BusyToDo claims is not syncing. It’s a design choice of the developer. I have tried many task management apps, but no other refuses to allow a "due time" to be set as it considers them all to be “all day” events instead. I never mentioned a "start time" to BusyMac support in my support requests and don’t know how it applies to the issue at hand.
I understand that Apple does not make it easy for developers to sync with Reminders, with Apple’s idiosyncratic “Remind me on a day” field not available to developers.
That does not excuse 3rd party developers from claiming iCloud syncing when it doesn’t. Telling a user to just use their apps, BusyCal and BusyToDo to manage tasks is not syncing.
perryke about BusyToDo